Earn 4.78% AER (variable) with the Plum Cash ISA (Ts&Cs and ISA rules apply).
Earn returns every day with Plum Interest, a low-risk money market investment fund holding government-backed assets.
Sign up for free in just a few taps.
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*Variate annual rate correct as at 24/01/2025 and applicable to Premium users. Learn more about our plans here. Plum Interest is an investment product, so you could get back less than you put in. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Use your money sitting in a current account, or being eaten away by inflation in a low interest account? It might be time to switch to Plum Interest. It’s easy access, with no minimum deposit and returns are paid daily.
Open Plum Interest
Your money is invested in an interest-earning fund holding government-backed assets.
Get returns daily
With daily returns, your progress is updated regularly instead of just once a month or even once a year.
Easy access
You can continue using your money as normal with 1-business day withdrawals, giving you even greater control over your money.
Open Plum Interest
Your money is invested in an interest-earning fund holding government-backed assets.
Get returns daily
With daily returns, your progress is updated regularly instead of just once a month or even once a year.
Easy access
You can continue using your money as normal with 1-business day withdrawals, giving you even greater control over your money.
Add money automatically
You can balance all your financial goals by automatically splitting the money you add to your Plum account between Plum Interest and your other investments or easy access savings.
The Splitter could save you time and keep your strategy on track when you’re busy. However, you should periodically review whether your decisions are still suitable, given your current circumstances.
It’s time to get growing
Rising interest rates are great for savers, but that’s only if banks choose to pass it on to your account.
Instead of waiting around, you could be earning a rate much closer to that of the Bank of England with Plum Interest.
How your money’s protected
When you use Plum Interest, your money is held in a Qualifying Money Market Fund (QMMF). Financial institutions use these funds to manage large amounts of cash because they focus on short-term UK government-backed assets like bonds.
QMMFs are protected under FCA rules for “Safe Custody,” meaning your money is kept in a separate, secure account, away from Plum’s or the fund provider’s assets. In the unlikely event of insolvency, FSCS protection may cover losses up to £85,000, as long as Safe Custody rules haven’t been breached fraudulently.
While FSCS would not cover a loss that comes from a fall in the market value of the QMMF units, QMMFs are designed to be stable and minimise risk.
The 4.44%* annual variable return we provide is a net rate. That means the rate we show you already includes our 0.25% annual fee, based on the daily balance that you hold in Plum Interest, so you know exactly what you're getting. That fee is how Plum keeps its light on. Learn more here.
When you subscribe to Plum Pro or Plum Premium, you get a boost on your Plum Interest rate.
Plum Basic (our free plan) gets your 3.82% VAR. With Plum Pro (£2.99/month), you can get 4.29% VAR, and with Plum Premium (£9.99/month) you'll get 4.44%.
Returns vary depending on your plan. If you use a Plum plan just for higher returns, but don't deposit enough to cover your subscription fee, you could earn less than you gain.