Our Fees

This page outlines the fees applicable to the services offered by Plum in line with the relevant terms and conditions agreed upon prior to the provision of services by Plum. However, it's important to note that some of these services/products may not be available in your country.

Stock Investment Fees

Money Market Fund ("Plum Interest") Fees

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) Fees


  1. Plum’s service charge fees

    We waive any service charge fees for Premium subscribers, so they only pay the BlackRock fund manager fee (see below).

    All other Plum customers (excluding Premium subscribers) will be charged a yearly 0.20% service charge fee by Plum, based on the daily balance held in the fund.

    Where applicable, this fee will be collected from your Primary Pocket on the first day of each calendar month.

  2. BlackRoack’s fund manager fee

    All customers, regardless of their subscription tier, will be charged a fund management fee of 0.10% by BlackRock.

    The fund value is automatically updated to reflect BlackRock’s fee, so you won’t see it as a separate charge.

  3. Annual Cost - Example of fees

    This illustration shows example fees for different levels of investment, ranging from 500€–5000€.

    Principal investment Plum’s service fee
    (waived for Premium subscribers)
    BlackRock’s management fee Total fees
    500€ 1,00€ 0,50€ 1,50€
    1000€ 2,00€ 1,00€ 3,00€
    5000€ 10,00€ 5,00€ 15,00€