Complaints Policy

Your financial success and satisfaction are our most important objectives, therefore Plum Fintech CY Limited and Plum Money CY Limited (we, our, us, Plum) try to make sure you can save, invest, and control your spending with Plum without any issues. But, sometimes we can get something wrong. In this case we want to make it right, and ensure we learn from any mistakes. Plum takes all complaints seriously, and we ensure you are treated fairly and your complaint is dealt with as soon as possible.

Making a complaint

If you feel dissatisfied with any aspect of our service, then in the first instance please contact Plum at or send a letter to the following address:

Attention: Plum Complaints’ Office
5 Tyrtaiou, City Home 71, Flat 401,
1087, Nicosia, Cyprus

Our Procedure

Any complaint verbal or written will be referred to our Complaints Management Team at the earliest opportunity.

We will:

  1. Acknowledge your complaint promptly and within 5 (five) business days, where possible, providing you with a Unique Reference Number regarding your complaint (when applicable).
  2. Investigate your complaint and provide a final response to you where possible within 15 (fifteen) business days.
  3. In any case respond within 3 (three) months at the latest, if unable to resolve sooner.

Final response

This will set out clearly Plum’s decision and the reasons for it.

Closing a complaint

We will consider a complaint closed when we have communicated our final response to you. This does not prevent you from exercising any rights you may have to refer the matter to the Financial Services Complaints Institute (KIFID) and/or the Financial Ombudsman of Cyprus.

Financial Services Complaints Institute (KIFID)

You may refer your complaint to the Financial Services Complaints Institute (KIFID) at the official address: Postbus 93257, 2509 AG Den Haag, Netherlands. We will cooperate fully with the KIFID in resolving any complaints made against us and be bound by any decisions.

KIFID details:

Address: Postbus 93257, 2509 AG Den Haag, Netherlands.
Information about filing a complaint to the KIFID:

Financial Ombudsman of Cyprus

If you are not satisfied with our final response and/or the actions we took to resolve your complaint, or if 3 (three) months have passed since the receipt of your complaint and you have not received a response, you have also the right to submit your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman within 4 (four) months.

Note however that the Financial Ombudsman has the right to refuse the examination of any complaint if, among other reasons, that complaint has been submitted to the Financial Ombudsman 18 (eighteen) months from the date on which the consumer has become aware of the action or the fact that he had a basis for the submission of a complaint.

Financial Ombudsman of Cyprus details:

Address: 15 Kypranoros street, 1061 Nicosia, Cyprus or P.O. Box. 26722, 1647 Nicosia
Fax: (+357) 22-660584
Tel: (+357) 22-660118