Get started for free

Our simple pricing includes an option for everyone. All paid subscription plans are free for 30 days. Cancel, upgrade or downgrade at any time.

Basic plan


Our Basic account covers the essentials for building your wealth.

Pro plan


Make your money work harder with advanced rules and more investing options.

Premium plan


Unlock the best of everything Plum has to offer and upgrade your investment experience.

Modern and fairer savings

Basic plan Pro plan Premium plan

Smart Automated Savings

Our AI algorithm sets money aside little-but-often, and Round Ups save as you spend.

Plum Interest

Easy Access. *VAR projection correct as at 21/06/2024. Capital at risk. Returns are not guaranteed.

3.42%* 3.42%* 3.62%*

Unlimited Withdrawals

Withdraw as often and as much you like from all our products, with no hidden charges.

Personalised Pockets

Separate your holiday spending cash from your dream house deposit stash.

Gamify your Deposits

Take on our 52-Week Challenge or tuck money away with the Rainy Days Rule.


Create and customise extra Pockets and assign targets to help reach them quicker.

Start investing at low cost, with as little as 1 euro

Basic plan Pro plan Premium plan


Invest in baskets of diversified investments and themes.

Invest your spare change

With our ‘Round ups’ savings rule.

Number of ETFs available

3 21 42

Trading charges

There are no charges on automatic deposits such as ‘Round-ups’.

2 free in total, then €0.25 3 free / month, then €0.15 10 free / month, then €0.15

Annual fund provider fee

Charged pro rata per day, already reflected on your portfolio. Fund manager fees still apply.

0.70% 0.45% 0.20%


Own parts of businesses such as Amazon or Netflix.

Fractional shares

No need to buy the whole share price.

Number of stocks available

1,200 1,200 3,000

No commission fees

And no limit on the number of trades.

€0 €0 €0

FX charges

For example, the cost of converting US stocks from dollars to euros. Other minor fees still apply.

0.45% 0.45% 0.45%

Repeat stock investments

Invest a fixed amount every day, week or month in your favourite stocks.

Price alerts

Receive an alert when your chosen asset reaches your target price.


Buy Bitcoin, Binance Coin, Cardano, Ethereum and Solana.

Commission fee

And no limit on the number of trades.

2.5% 2.5% 2.5%

Note that you should periodically review that automation is suitable for your circumstances.

Let's get started

Download our app now to join 1 million+ others already putting their money into action.